Learn How To Cook Healthy Meals

Join us to learn how to make a new recipe perfect for dinner and support homeless veterans at the same time. Follow the easy step-by-step directions and have a new home cooked meal ready to eat. Ingredient list will be sent out the week before the event. Recipe: Mexican chicken with cauliflower rice and fresh […]

Paint Night for the Winter Blues

Join us and learn how to paint a winter scene. This event will include a professional art instructor, canvas, paints, and paint brushes. All materials will be shipped with week before the event. Register Today!

Bingo with a Twist

Would you like to have some fun and win prizes right from the comfort of your home? Join us for a virtual Bingo Night. We will be playing Bingo with a Twist. Why only play regular bingo when there are so many other options? Grab a drink and get ready to play Bingo. Bingo cards […]