Volunteer Spotlight
June Cardenas
Maryann DeSimone
Maryann is the owner of Interthread Embroidery and is a long-time volunteer for General Needs. Her role at General Needs is pretty simple: pack and unpack clothes at distribution and storage sites. However, her impact on the lives of homeless veterans is immense. When she moved to Huntington years ago, she made a promise to herself that she would volunteer somewhere within her community. She has been with several other charities, but something about Lonnie and Susan’s organization stood out to her, and so she picked General Needs. Maryann happens to have two daughters who are in the Marines, so General Needs hits very close to her heart. “To think that these men and women go and serve our country and then come back with nothing is something I do not think is right. What Lonnie and Sue do is incredible. Giving our vets everything brand new is incredible.”
Glenn Fitze
Glenn Fitze is a teacher at Commack High School in Commack, New York. He started a work-based learning program for special needs students around 20 years ago, where he has collaborated with over a dozen organizations around his community to help his students gain valuable volunteering experience and work-based skills. He discussed the program with Lonnie four years ago, and has since been working with General Needs. Working with General Needs hits close to his heart because his father was a World War II veteran, which allows him to relate to the veterans. “We owe our veterans a lot. They serve us. Seeing them homeless and struggling to get back on their feet actually makes me sad… What General Needs is doing is incredible. The time and effort that everyone puts in is very inspiring. General Needs gives these vets something new and helps them get back on their feet again. I cannot think of a better cause.”
Joseph Limongelli
Arnold Quaranta
Arnold is the District Trainer and former District Governor of Rotary District 7260. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he volunteered for General Needs, where he would pick up meals every Friday from Ronkonkoma and deliver them to two different veteran shelters in Bayshore. When asked why he chose to volunteer for General Needs, he said, “I have been involved with Lonnie and Sue when they first came into Rotary around six years ago. After watching them go to different homeless shelters and supply veterans with clothing and food, I realized that General Needs was something I was interested in getting involved with.”
Rotary Club of the Ronkonkomas
Louis Scotti
Dr. Louis Scotti is a member of the Ronkonkoma Rotary Club and the director of the Michael P. Murphy Run Around the Lake, a yearly charity run in honor of Navy Seal Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy that funds a major portion of the General Needs budget. Louis has been involved with the event for the last twenty years, helping raise over $250,000 towards worthy causes, including General Needs.
Kathy Gibson
Kathy Gibson has been with Rotary since 1991, and has served as the governor of their district in 2003 and 2004. Kathy has had a very positive experience working with General Needs, and is very happy to be able to work with Lonnie and his team. She has helped in distributions and enjoys working with the veterans. We asked her why she continues to work with General Needs: “The sincerity of the group. This is my small opportunity to pay back and it is a pleasure working with them. It is amazing work they are doing.”